What your skin says about your health
While some skin and hair issues may have a physiological component, all have an emotional ingredient, writes kinesiologist Helen Hansen.
Let’s face it, as women we’ve all spent some time of our life fussing in front of the mirror.
Sure, we know that real beauty comes from within but even so, who doesn’t like to look good? Our confidence levels rise when we are happy with our appearance, which often positively affects relationships and our productivity.
While some skin and hair issues may have a physiological component, all have an emotional ingredient. Think of how embarrassment shows itself with blushing and anxiety is displayed by the secretion of sweat.
Stressed out skin
Stress is one of the leading factors for skin conditions. When the immune system is impaired certain skin issues appear unable to heal.
The relationship between mind and skin is a complex one. It dates back to a newborn’s first skin-to-skin contact with the mother. This forms the foundation for the child’s feelings and understanding about the self and the environment. Little wonder that the skin has a large emotional connection. And let us not forget that the skin is the largest organ of the body.
Conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, scleroderma, skin cancer, skin lesions, scars and other such skin ailments have been documented as occurring due to emotional blockages which disrupts the flow of communication between one or more systems in the body.
When these blockages are released, then the harmony in the whole being can allow the body to do what it has been designed to do, namely self-heal and rejuvenate itself. The result seen on the skin can best be described as radiance.
Emotional healing process:
Write down what you are still holding on to from the past. Acknowledgement is the first step in healing.
Ask yourself, is it helping me to continue thinking about or entertaining this situation that has passed?
How is it benefiting me to keep holding on to this? As strange as it may sound, there are both benefits and drawbacks to every situation. You may need to dig deep for this answer but know it is there.
Ask yourself; am I ready to let this go completely?
If you answered yes to the above question, write the situation or issue on a piece of paper and then symbolically let it go. You can do this by tearing up the paper or burning it while saying, “I now free myself of this that no longer serves me.”
Then take a few deep breaths and go for a walk which physically demonstrates for yourself that you are moving forward.
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